Johnetta is available to speak at workshops and seminars across the country, now virtually, and is also available to speak at company training events, church events, retreats, and women's groups.

For booking inquiries, please email us at 




"The experience with Johnetta Alston Lake was well anticipated. I heard about her from a colleague. She talked about sitting by this woman at a conference and her sharing her experience was very intriguing. She also shared that she had a makeup line that inspired other women. With that, she whipped out her lipstick and went on to share the word and the scripture reference from the bottom. After that discussion, I set out to allow myself as well as the Covenant Sisters of St. Paul New Life, to have the same experience. Needless to say, this was a life-changing moment, she was a poised professional. She knew just how to control the audience. The information she provided allowed women to take hold of their life’s story and be proud to continue as women for God. Personally, I put on my "Favor" Lipstick whenever I have an important event, interview, or just need to be reminded about the favor of God is in my life. I enjoyed her singing, story-telling, praying, and comedic relief. I look forward to gracing her presence soon one day. I know this experience will be life-changing for anyone that needs to be encouraged to keep moving in a positive atmosphere. Love you Sister Johnetta.  May God continue to bless you with the desires of your heart." 

Dr.  Mondeshia Benefield, St. Paul New Life